Friday, July 14, 2006

No Whining.....

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As my children trot through life, I am trying to instill a sense of gratitude in their hearts. I think that when you are young you don't really grasp how blessed you are until you are wiser in your years. Being blessed with everything you want is not what God intended...being blessed with everything you need is what a true blessing is.

I was talking with my neighbor the other day and she was going on and on about her house, this and that, in a negative way. I just listened and told her that she wouldn't have any of those problems if she didn't own a home. I am grateful that I have a home to whine about when I whine...because I do suffer from whinatitis too you know. Oh yeah.

In the big picture though I stop and think I am so blessed to have food, a house, clothing, healthy children, a devoted husband, MY own health, and to live in a country where I can worship Jesus and own a Bible and not be shot.

We are exactly where He put us in life so treasure the moment. God never said we would float in life but only that He would be there for our swim :) WOW I just made that one up....hehehhe.

Oodles of fun.


Blogger Chandra said...

Wow...Jonathan has this exact sticker that he carries around to work. He doesn't allow whining around him, either!

8:13 AM  
Blogger Jonathan Wilson said...

I hope you don't mind if I use your anti-whining picture on my blog.


3:26 PM  

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