Monday, March 31, 2008

Where Have I Been?!

It has been so long since I've written or posted pictures. I have been so busy with family, some guy totaling our van while Julia and I were in it, school stuff with the kids, some guy crashing my van, life's activities, church activities, and ...did I mention, some guy wrecking our van? LOL

Feb 23 on our way back from a wonderful day with another girlfriend and her little girl and Julia going to Disney Princesses on Ice, some guy plowed us from behind and "didn't see us" and totaled my van. GASP.


Let me tell you.

I have never been in a wreck before in my life. I still have headaches from it two months later, but the first few weeks was TERRIBLE. Blah. We all survived. Praise the Lord. No one was hurt seriously as they should have been. God's hand was so on our van and our lives that day!!

Anyway, that's been the major thing that went down the past two months. LOL OTHER THAN THATTTTT, Hudson is growing like a gigantic crazy weed. Paige, Chase and Julia are awesome and just started soccer season. I posted some new pics.

God is Good all the time :)