Friday, December 19, 2008

I Know You're Talking But I'm Just Not Listening

So our little Hudson is now fast approaching 16 months. He is so over it. He is over people telling him to talk, to eat, what to wear, where to go. He is sass and intensity. He is full of nonstop energy. His sleep is minimal. His movement is constant. His vibrant personality is full of complete spunk and is out in full force. He totally reminds us of Julia made over in a boy form. When he was born, he had her little face and we called him "Boy Julia." We all know who Julia takes after, now, don't we? He can keep up with the olders without missing a beat, and boy, don't get in his way. His favorite look to give you is, "Uh-huh. I know that means no, but I am not obeying you right now."

His personality has now emerged completely.

He is his mother.


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