Friday, December 19, 2008



Christmas always brings promise. It brings the promise of eternal life through claiming Jesus Christ as your Savior. It brings the promise of warm memories made with family and friends. It brings the promise of a white blanket of snow to cover outside as you are warmly tucked in your home. I love Christmas because it encompasses the two things that I cherish the most in my life, Jesus and family. Luke 2:11 "For unto you a child is born, in the city of David, a Savior which is Christ the Lord." God Bless and Happy Holidays.



Yeah, you know, I don't think so.

It's kind of what everyone is anticipating and looking to HAVE happen in this country, but I don't think so.

What I think is from the scene in "Jurassic Park." It's where the chubby guy that plays Newman from "Seinfeld" is about to shut off all the power in the dinosaur park so they can reboot. He says, "Hold on to your butts." That's what I think.

High Temps


Some things are so hot they sizzle.

I am a lover of the classics when it comes to novels and all the classical love stories. I am a huge Jane Austen reader. Call me a romantic, forever I will be. As Marianne says in Sense and Sensibility, "Can the soul really be satisfied with polite affections? To love is to burn, to be on fire like Juliet or Guinevere or Eloise."

I have always been an avid reader, not much of a television watcher. I was a complete skeptic when my niece convinced me to read the Twilight series, and within the first chapter I was hooked. I don't like petty stories that have no depth of character. The bases of the story my niece described left me thinking it wouldn't be deep or intense. I gave the book a chance on a long flight back from Florida this past August. I voraciously read the next three within months. It is one of the greatest love stories of all time. How can you argue with that? Gotta love it.

By the way, Elinor's love in "Sense and Sensibility" is named Edward. Hmmmm.

The Holidays and Life Goes On

It's fast-approaching Christmas 2008 which I can't believe. Things are happy, healthy and well with our family. We had some nice pictures of us all showered, smiling and together at once which is an annual event in itself on the night we were all going to the children's Christmas program at school. They had a good time at the program, and Julia was an angel in Kindergarten which was just precious.

Julia has also discovered my old digital camera that she is filling rapidly with pictures of everything. It's neat to look through her memory card and see things from her view. She thinks I have one eyeball. We know that now because every picture you either lose the top of your head or one eye. :) She loves to take pictures though, and she is very creative with it.

Chase is getting over strep which just affected him this year. His class had a bad outbreak of it, 10 reported children! He is feeling so much better heading into the holidays, and he and Julia are anticipating DS Lites this year! Hmmmmm? Only the shadow knows for another 6 days!

Paige is loving being on break already even though her teacher has assigned a lot to do over break. Sometimes I wonder if this is really not just 8th grade curriculum disguised as a 5th grade class.

Shane is still happy at Verizon and doing so well. He is continually taking online classes as many as he can handle with working fulltime and balancing family! We hope everyone has a blessed Christmas and New Year of 2009!

I Know You're Talking But I'm Just Not Listening

So our little Hudson is now fast approaching 16 months. He is so over it. He is over people telling him to talk, to eat, what to wear, where to go. He is sass and intensity. He is full of nonstop energy. His sleep is minimal. His movement is constant. His vibrant personality is full of complete spunk and is out in full force. He totally reminds us of Julia made over in a boy form. When he was born, he had her little face and we called him "Boy Julia." We all know who Julia takes after, now, don't we? He can keep up with the olders without missing a beat, and boy, don't get in his way. His favorite look to give you is, "Uh-huh. I know that means no, but I am not obeying you right now."

His personality has now emerged completely.

He is his mother.

Christmas is Coming

Christmas is coming, and the goose is getting fat! Please put a penny in the old man's hat. I don't know. It's just something that my mom has always said since I can remember and now I say it to my kids :)

I haven't written in forever. I know. I have too many things going on, too many fingers in too many pies!! My sister has convinced me to get back on here because I like to look at her blog too, and my friends have bugged me about making them laugh and writing more.

So Julia lost her big, front tooth last night and so we all know she wants her front tooth for Christmas :)

Christmas is bittersweet as we are all still putting back together our hearts from my dad's untimely death this holiday. We love you, Dad!

Merry Christmas to all!