Sunday, October 07, 2007

Happy Birthday, Baby Girl

Paige turned 10 this morning at 6:56 a.m.! I just can't believe A DECADE has passed when it seems like yesterday I had her! We've had a great birthday weekend. Friday night just the two of us went to dinner and shopped and talked without interruption :) It was such a nice time. She is growing up so quickly and so mature and fun to be with. Saturday night Paige had her best friend spend the night, so the night was full of giggles and nail polish. What a fun way to spend a birthday! :)

We had planned as a family on her actual birthday, today, to go out to dinner to her "favorite place" Olive Garden, but Chase came down with the flu last night with a temperature and throwing up :( so our plans have been altered to just the girls going out to eat. We are planning on bringing back the boys something to eat!

Next month Paige is planning on inviting some friends to a birthday party at this neat movie theater where they all can watch a movie and spend some time in their party room. She wanted to wait because the movie she wants to see doesn't come out until November.

10 beautiful years watching her grow up so far has just been so special and wonderful. Paige is an amazing girl with an incredible spirit and sweetness. I am so proud she's our daughter! :)


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