Friday, July 27, 2007

Great News for 2007

We found out we are having a healthy baby boy this year! We are due in 2-3 weeks, and are very excited. This has been a hard pregnancy for me compared to my first three. I don't know if it's because they keep telling me I'm "advanced maternal age" haha or because it's my fourth, but I feel every ache and pain and am worn out most of the time.

Everything has been going along smoothly with the pregnancy though, and baby is so sweet. We can't wait for his arrival!

We are going to name him Hudson Michael. Michael is Shane's middle name, so that was an easy choice. We love the name Hudson because it's strong and unique. The kids are thrilled and are so full of love for him already! He's going to be a great addition to our family :)


Blogger Jonathan Wilson said...

Wow!! This picture is amazing. We never got anything like that with any of our kids.


3:23 PM  

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