Friday, September 28, 2007

It's Picture Day!

Paige and Chase came home with their pictures from "Picture Day" at school today. I love when they bring their pictures home! We keep a large 8X10 in frames outside their bedrooms on a wall. Every year we put the new one up and glance back at the old years' pictures kept in the frame. What neat transformations through the years! I am so proud how mature and sweet they are growing up to be!

Julia gets her picture taken at the end of the month in her Pre-K class. She's BIG TIME this year! :)

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Hudson's Heart Update

Well, Julia and I set off for Children's Hospital this morning around 7 a.m. for Hudson's echocardiogram and EKG and consult with his cardiologist Dr. Chan who is just fabulous!

PRAISE THE LORD! Even Dr. Chan who is of Christian faith said the Lord is good after telling me that he believes his two holes in Hudson's heart are showing more evidence of scar tissue forming inside indicating more closure. We are amazed.

The lower chamber hole which is the VSD (ventricular septum defect) was considered a moderate hole which was more than likely going to need surgery but still had a low percentage to close on its own. Shane and I completely and totally turned it to God. When we pray over him, I just FEEL the heart holes closing and SEE God working His miracles in Hudson's body. I make myself see it and believe it. Faith in healing and miracles of the Lord is amazing. The whole experience at the hospital today has increased my testimony in the Lord's work in medicine. I know the Lord is healing Hudson's heart where we can avoid surgery. :)

So all the news was just great today at the cardiologist's. Dr. Chan was thrilled at Hudson's weight gain and breathing. He shows no evidence of inability to gain weight and thrive and quick respirations which he would by now if his holes in his heart were negatively affecting his health. PRAISE THE LORD AGAIN.

I believe our children are sent to us not only for us to have the responsibility to pave a pathway for them to get back to the Lord, but each child brings with them something we learn from them, a lesson from God. This whole ordeal with Hudson has been so enlightening on a huge level for me. Hudson is so special. He has taught me so much in letting go and relying on the Lord's plan and course. God is awesome. His comfort is powerful. Hudson's impact in these few weeks on my faith and relationship with God is so wonderful! What a blessing wrapped in a blanket :) If I love and cherish Hudson with my whole being, then I can rest assure he is taken care of by his Heavenly Father who loves him even more!

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Hudson Bear

Hudson is 5 weeks today, and we can't believe it! As of the last two nights, he is sleeping huge chunks through the night. That is always so great when that starts happening because the local cafes have by now run out of coffee in the mornings for me haha :)

We have weaned him off all of his calcium supplements, and I am taking him twice a week to get his heel stuck :( for calcium levels checked through his blood to make sure they remain normal. As of now, everything is looking fine! Hudson goes tomorrow morning for his monthly echocardiogram for his heart. They just want to keep checking to see if the two holes show evidence of closing as of yet, and the other positive thing is that he is still showing no signs or symptoms relating to the holes in his heart which babies normally do by now if there are going to be any issues. Praise the Lord! We are praying for the holes to close on their own so that we can avoid any future surgeries for him. God is good!

Hudson loves to be held..constantly! If he's not in our arms, he's in a sling or pack going around doing chores with mom or dad! Shane started back to work this week after some extra time off for our whole ICU ordeal, and it's been interesting with four children on my own to say the least. My mom went back home, and a lack of extra hands is noticed! We are definitely busy around here.

Paige, Chase and Julia are just in heaven with Hudson and love to sing and talk to him. They continuously want to hold him and snuggle with him. He is never lacking in the cuddle department. At his last week's checkup he is 10-1/2 lbs and grew over an inch since birth! I was so glad about the weight gain because he lost a lot while in his ICU stay since he was just on saline for a few days before they let him eat with all his testing.

Thank you so much for all your prayers and love xoxo

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Family Love

Everyone loves to hold Hudson! It's beautiful to see so much love in one family. Hudson definitely is a little snuggle bear. My mom is here from Florida and having so much fun loving and cuddling on her newest grandbaby!

Monday, September 10, 2007

First Bath

Hudson's umbillical cord fell off! WOOHOO! Now he could have a real bath vs. a sponge bath so out we whipped the cameras ready for the big event. He cried when we put him in the warm water, but then he was still and quiet and loved his hair washed with warm water and soap. He was big eyed and just watched us wash him. What a sweetie! xoxo

Saturday, September 08, 2007

First Day of School

Paige, Chase and Julia were so excited to start school this year. I cherish the fact that all three children have the love of learning like I did growing up. They couldn't wait to have new teachers but see all their old friends.

Paige began 4th grade this year with a teacher new to her school. I told her even though she might be a little nervous this year to begin a new grade to remember the fact that her teacher was beginning the year brand new too! She was extra-excited because she found out that 4th grade got to have lockers this year!

Chase began 1st grade and was officially a "big boy". He loves his friends and couldn't wait to see everyone. Both Paige and Chase brought pictures of their new baby brother Hudson to show everyone.

Julia started her full-time preschool program where she was going to go 9 a.m. to noon, Monday through Friday. She is really going to do well this year. She already writes her letters and knows how to write her name. I am looking forward to how much she will learn this year and grow.