Monday, November 12, 2007

"Talking" and Trying to Wriggle-Crawl!

Hudson is 12 weeks this week and officially 3 months on the 20th!
When Hudson isn't taking a nap that looks as if he's an angel fallen from a cloud and landed in our house, he is "talking" up a storm or trying to inch up his legs and feet and "crawl" or at least move around and wiggle to get somewhere. I've never seen anything like it.

The "talking" blows me away. He started it around 6 weeks. My girlfriend Mia and I would be on the phone, and she would say, "Is that him TALKING?!" I would say, "I KNOW!" He just started very early looking at you and saying "Ahhh-goo..ah-goo...mmmahhhhoooahhhwwwaaahhh." And then he waits for you to respond. You say some things back like you do in a give-take conversation at 6 months usually, and then off he goes again after you've had your turn talking explaining something else. Hudson also loves to razz and blow bubbles and pffftppfffft at you and then smile when you do it back. What's entertaining is we have all started trying to intrepret what we think he's saying to all of us. It varies from day to day. Some days we say Hudson's saying, "Why am I riding around with this crazy family in this van?" or "Why is everyone clapping and saying "weeee" to me on the baby swing? What's the big deal?" And my favorite, "Lady, quit smiling at me and give me the goods. Can't you tell I'm hungry? Smiling is for later." The more we laugh at what we think he's saying, the more he talks and the giggling session continues.

I read a funny quote the other day. "I know what's wrong with teenagers. You spend the first two years of their lives teaching them to walk and talk and the rest of the years telling them to sit down and be quiet." :)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

stacy ~ it's because he's so social and smart! ~angie

5:12 PM  

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