Saturday, October 20, 2007

Hudson Update

Hudson was 8 weeks this week, and had his 2-month well check with his pediatrician, shots, etc. He's doing so well. He didn't even cry, just a whimper with shots because shots are a cinch compared to what he's been through!!! He is gaining weight great and grew another inch. My long and lean machine I call him like Daddy.

Hudson also had another cardiology appointment this week. We go every three weeks for an EKG and echocardiogram of his heart. His two holes are even SMALLER! They aren't calling the bottom septum defect moderate anymore. Now they are calling it a small hole like the top. All the pressure and blood flow looked awesome in and out of the heart which if he was having issues with the openings he would, again, by now. There was no evidence of any pressure building from the backflow into his lungs. We are just very relieved to avoid the surgery on the lower hole because his doctor has pretty much ruled out that we are going to have to have it as they thought we would in the beginning! YAY! Praise Jesus, always.

Also with Hudson's hypocalcemia, they are now calling it transient where it was just an infant absorption transition problem with birth. He is completely off all his calcium supplements and maintaining all normal calcium levels on his own!! No more weekly heel pricks to check calcium levels at his endricrinologist's office! WHEW! She still wants to see him once a month for a montly calcium level. She also said that when he gets very ill in his entire life with the flu, etc., we will always have to watch it and make sure he's not showing any seizure symptoms with calcium levels dropping. Praise Jesus, again!

He's such a little ham and all smiles. He adores his big sisters and brother and loves to listen to them talk and sing to him. When it's all said and done, he's a complete Mommy's boy though. He wants Mommy to hold him constantly!!! Paige, Chase and Julia were the same way. I call them "hip" babies. Isn't that the only way to be?! LOL Children are God's little angels on earth. Snuggle and hold them while you can!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hudson is gorgeous! i love him! luvu~M

8:40 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can't stand it! Shane, that boy is all YOU! <3 ann&fam

11:57 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

God is so good, and your whole family has been so amazing and strong through all of this! The power of prayer is an awesome thing, and we continue to keep you all in ours every night! Love you guys!

9:42 AM  

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