Saturday, October 20, 2007

Meeting Grandpa for the First Time

My parents came up for the big program they put on at the kids' school on "Grandparents' Day." It was so nice! I have gone every year, but this is the first year any grandparents came to celebrate with them. My parents picked them up and took them to lunch and then saw the program. They loved it.

They came home to be with Hudson, Julia and me and we had dinner, etc. Hudson adores my parents. He just is all smiles when my dad holds him. He loves to stare at my mom and coo at her. They are in heaven! They stay through Sunday and leave early Monday morning. The kids really enjoyed their visit and love to see them. I was so glad that we were all feeling better and not contagious!!

The grandparents program just happened to fall on my mom's birthday this year which made it even more special. The kids gave her a corsage to wear. We made her a big carrot cake and gave her a few things. She was surprised and loved it.


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