Monday, July 30, 2007


If you've ever heard of Literati, you know it's a word game on yahoo games that's similar to scrabble but harder and more complex. Okay. Well, I'm addicted. I've played it probably for over four years or so. I have to play a game or two every few days. Mostly, for obvious reasons, I play it at night to unwind when the kids are in bed.

It's all competitive with different rankings you acquire as you win against people you play. You play live people that are logged in to play on the internet too so it's not boring or monotonous as if you were playing a computer. I think I have always been "word obsessed" and have loved spelling and challenging words. That is why I loved being a court reporter for years. I definitely have the literati fever.

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Date Night

The kids are gone for two nights to Matt's which is always rare but a nice visit for them and a nice break for us!

So it's always amazing to me when we get a chance to go out to dinner and a movie because we seem to catch up and talk non-stop with one another. It's funny how just life in general seems to interrupt much-needed conversation and also how when you add three children to the mix, there's never a sentence that gets to be finished or a story that isn't left to be told later.

Talking and sharing with my husband was a wonderful date not to mention sushi and an entertaining flick! We realized too that this is our last weekend to enjoy some one-on-one time before our little Hudson makes his appearance so we are trying to squeeze some relaxation and time in while we can!

Friday, July 27, 2007

Lots of Love

We have so much love for our little Hudson!
We can't wait to hold him and be with him.
We love to feel his knees, hands, elbows and
feet poke out at us.
We can't wait to smell his sweet baby head and
cuddle with our warm bundle.
Our little gift from above will be here before
we know it!

The Big Belly

Here is me and my big belly. I am enormous. I am bigger than I have ever been pregnant. The scale is my enemy. This next year I have to lose so much weight it's not even funny!!

Beyond that issue, I am so anxious and excited to have Hudson it's crazy! Since the kids are out of school for the summer, the days drag on which is great for summer vacation but bad because my anticipation for delivery builds and builds. Everyone can't wait for Hudson to get here.

Julia is the sweetest about baby Hudson. She keeps talking to my belly telling him, "I'm your big sister. We're going to have a lot of fun." He gets really still when he hears her high girly voice sing songs and talk to him. Chase just keeps telling me having a brother is going to be so great. I know he's so relieved it's more testosterone in the house! Paige is loving it because she loves to mother and adores babies.

Time is ticking...the end is in sight when I can hold that precious bundle from God!

Great News for 2007

We found out we are having a healthy baby boy this year! We are due in 2-3 weeks, and are very excited. This has been a hard pregnancy for me compared to my first three. I don't know if it's because they keep telling me I'm "advanced maternal age" haha or because it's my fourth, but I feel every ache and pain and am worn out most of the time.

Everything has been going along smoothly with the pregnancy though, and baby is so sweet. We can't wait for his arrival!

We are going to name him Hudson Michael. Michael is Shane's middle name, so that was an easy choice. We love the name Hudson because it's strong and unique. The kids are thrilled and are so full of love for him already! He's going to be a great addition to our family :)

Fourth of July

I haven't blogged in a year! We had a great Fourth of July and cooked out at home. That night we watched the fireworks with our neighbors in our backyard. The city's fireworks are clear and great from our own house.

The kids love the Fourth. We did "popits" and sparklers after the fireworks. The girls painted their nails red, white, and blue and, of course, everyone proudly wore their Fourth shirts!

I know we are blessed to live in a country that gives us so much. Our country isn't perfect, by far, but it still would be where I would choose to raise my children and live. America IS beautiful!