Friday, July 27, 2007

The Big Belly

Here is me and my big belly. I am enormous. I am bigger than I have ever been pregnant. The scale is my enemy. This next year I have to lose so much weight it's not even funny!!

Beyond that issue, I am so anxious and excited to have Hudson it's crazy! Since the kids are out of school for the summer, the days drag on which is great for summer vacation but bad because my anticipation for delivery builds and builds. Everyone can't wait for Hudson to get here.

Julia is the sweetest about baby Hudson. She keeps talking to my belly telling him, "I'm your big sister. We're going to have a lot of fun." He gets really still when he hears her high girly voice sing songs and talk to him. Chase just keeps telling me having a brother is going to be so great. I know he's so relieved it's more testosterone in the house! Paige is loving it because she loves to mother and adores babies.

Time is ticking...the end is in sight when I can hold that precious bundle from God!


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