Friday, July 14, 2006

My Oldest Daughter Paige

My oldest daughter is full of the spirit from Heavenly Father. Her greatest desire is to spread the News to others, especially other children. She is always wanting to bring a friend to church from our neighborhood or to bring a friend to her youth groups. It's so neat to see her spirit grow and mature as she learns more and more through scripture and prayer.

We are very close which means a lot to me because I was never that close to my mom where I felt she really knew me growing up. Paige and I try to spend as much one-on-one time as we can balancing it with my other younger children. She's a super help around the house and I don't know what I would do without her leveled personality and sweet smile.

She's one of God's greatest blessings in my life.


No Whining.....

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As my children trot through life, I am trying to instill a sense of gratitude in their hearts. I think that when you are young you don't really grasp how blessed you are until you are wiser in your years. Being blessed with everything you want is not what God intended...being blessed with everything you need is what a true blessing is.

I was talking with my neighbor the other day and she was going on and on about her house, this and that, in a negative way. I just listened and told her that she wouldn't have any of those problems if she didn't own a home. I am grateful that I have a home to whine about when I whine...because I do suffer from whinatitis too you know. Oh yeah.

In the big picture though I stop and think I am so blessed to have food, a house, clothing, healthy children, a devoted husband, MY own health, and to live in a country where I can worship Jesus and own a Bible and not be shot.

We are exactly where He put us in life so treasure the moment. God never said we would float in life but only that He would be there for our swim :) WOW I just made that one up....hehehhe.

Oodles of fun.

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Enjoying It

Having a birthday this summer and looking back over the past year, I am applying a more "flow with it" attitude with my life, mothering and being a wife. Now, my husband might think...where is this "flow with it" attitude? LOL Because he is definitely caught up in my thinking outloud which is not always flowing.

Applying a relaxed and secure look on my life is the way to do it..we only have a little bit of time to do it and if God takes care of the birds and the small creatures, then He has promised to take care of things might not always be up to your expectations, but things are always according to His plan so it's all in accordance to the way it's supposed to flow with it.


Official Starbucks Addict

Okay, it's such a complete and utter waste of almost angers me when I think how much I spend on a coffee at Starbucks..or Starbux..or Star-Take-My-Bucks..BUT they are so good...I know they put stuff in secret amounts of something illegal to make my body crave it. I just have to have my 2 pump vanilla Venti cafe mocha..I even know their secret code they put on the cup 2pv/VCM. It's all a huge conspiracy operation with secret ingredients, secret codes, all of it to suck up everyone's money.

I even added it up much I spend on my 2pv/VCM and it was...well, it was a lot of money..and I thought, "Gee, you know what I could BUY with that money I spend on that Starbux?" Well, you know....more Starbux.

But it's all worth it..I need it to be my perky self know, my perky self that is natural with my venti cafe mocha. Everyone around me banks on me having boundless heaps of energy. If I don't have my cafe mocha, I look like this video except less furry.


Frivolous Fun

When I am finished driving sticky, singing, chatterboxing children around to school activities, school and errands which is always an adventure, I will be old and gray. However, you will not know about my grayness because I will be receiving marvelous hair coloring performed at a posh salon to cover up my grayness. But as I am aged, I will entertain myself by doing what this lady is doing in the video you just HAVE TO WATCH..get ready to pee yourself. I hope my husband tags along to further make me giggle because sharing a laugh with him is one of life's pleasures, that's for sure.

Oh, what makes this video even better is if you get me going, I laugh just like she does...hehehhehe.

Enjoy it! Toodles.