Thursday, August 02, 2007

Latest Doctor's Appointment

Well, I'm over 36 weeks. I had a checkup yesterday and am already 2 centimeters dilated and 50% effaced..yayyyy! My doctor promised me that he would induce me at 39 weeks if I don't go into natural labor, so we'll see :) All I know is Shane better practice driving like he's on the German Autoban because we are going to need all the time we can get if I go in labor on my own!! Hudson is healthy and strong, and everything looked great. His little heartbeat was just thumping away on the doppler thing, and that's always a sweet sound! His head is also down and ready to go though I could have told you that...that's what is making my bladder a pancake!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know that baby boy is almost here! I can't believe you've gone this long. Leave it to your fourth to be the one that hangs on! I know you've been miserable, but God's timing is perfect. I love you! Nel

11:14 AM  
Blogger Jonathan Wilson said...

Hudson will be here before you know it. Just think of all the sleepless nights you still have to look forward to. :)

Chandra has been tired since Lexi was born.

If Shayne is like me he will be getting plenty of sleep.

6:18 PM  
Blogger Chandra said...

Yay! I can't wait for little Hudson to get here! We need another baby to cuddle. You know the sleepness nights are totally worth'll love every minute! My cell phone is ready for THE CALL! My guess is for the 19th!

4:42 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

stacy~i read your blog finally. you are so funny always. the kids are so gorgeous and look just like you and are growing up. we have to do lunch so i can see this new baby when he gets here. wonder what he'll look like. tell everyone hello ~angie

10:39 AM  

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