Sunday, August 26, 2007

Hudson Michael Karp

I'm here! Hudson Michael was born Monday, August 20, 2007 at 9:44 p.m.! He weighed 8 lbs and 8 oz. (thank goodness he was 10 days early!) and was 20 inches long.

We are so blessed! We went to the hospital at noon to be induced Monday afternoon, but because of over-crowded rooms on the delivery floor, we didn't get back to begin our induction until after 5 p.m. They started my pitocin drip to begin contractions past 6 p.m. I began pushing at 9:40 p.m., and he arrived 4 minutes later..hahaha. They gave me an epidural when I was over 8 centimeters dilated, but it never had a chance to go through my system because it takes 30 minutes to fully take effect. So basically I had natural delivery which is like being run over by a semi-truck! I guess too my doctor said I cracked my tailbone in labor, so that's been my biggest setback with recovery. Other than that, I feel great and Hudson is healthy and beautiful. Shane and I are in love with our little bundle! We mostly stare at him in awe and wonder :)

When Hudson was 3 days old, his pediatrician heard a heart murmur and sent us to Children's Hospital to see a pediatric cardiologist. They found two moderate sized holes in his heart. Obviously, he is having no symptoms or complications because of it, so we need to pray and watch them to see if they will close on their own. We go back in two weeks to the cardiologist again. The doctor said that he's seen hundreds of cases just like Hudson's where they close on their own. That is what we are focusing on and turning it over to God. Since we found this out about Hudson, so many people tell me they have a family member or know someone who had this same issue as a child or newborn and it resolved itself. Keep Hudson in your prayers :)

Paige, Chase and Julia are thrilled to have their new brother home! They are very protective and doting, and they are also huge helps to Shane and me with him. School starts this Monday and while I am glad because it will be quieter around the house, we definitely will miss them being around to help with Hudson and be home with them!

I can't believe that Hudson is already almost a week old. Time just flies! I am in heaven holding him and snuggling him. All the sleep-deprived nights and fussy periods are so worth it when he falls asleep in your arms. We are so blessed by God to be given such a wonderful gift. He's so precious and beautiful :)

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

The Date is Set

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After my appointment yesterday, we set and confirmed a time and date to induce him! We are officially going in at noon on Monday, August 20! There is still debate whether I will make it until Monday, but I think it's highly likely. I always get to 4 centimeters or so on my own and then just hang out. Hook me up to the drip and get him going! He needs an extra boost to be evicted!

We are totally excited and anxious. Keep us and Hudson in your prayers :)

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Where is he?

After my latest doctor's appointment this past Thursday, I am beginning to wonder when Hudson is going to make his appearance. I am now, as the doctor says is, "over 4 centimeters" and walking around. ?!?! We did confirm an induction date of
August 20, a week from Monday! We all predict I am not hanging on until then, but who knows?!

Shane's leave at work for three weeks begins Friday the 17th. I am laying low until then, but expect me walking around the neighborhood as of Friday night! :) Here's another picture of the little man.

Dancing Queen

Julia began dance last year when she was almost 4. She finished the whole year, and she had this huge recital at the end of the year. Her personality is perfect for the stage. She had no fear and just loved to go out there and do her thing. The year is about to begin again, and she is so excited to start back with dance...and TAP this year too! Paige took ballet and dance until she was about 7 and loved it too, so I am so glad that Julia is into it also.

Here is a picture of my mom and Julia all dressed up for her recital pictures when my mom was visiting in June. I think the dressup part of the whole dance thing is the biggest winner with Julia. She loves the costumes and all the dances she gets to learn during the year not to mention fun friends she gets to see.

Girlie Glasses

Paige started having trouble seeing the overhead and chalkboard at school toward the end of the year. After a trip to the pediatrician and the pediatric ophthamologist, we confirmed Paige is near-sighted and needed glasses. I wear contacts and have worn glasses and contacts since 9th grade, so she definitely gets this inherited specialty from me. I was let down a little realizing now she would always deal with this, but she was totally thrilled!

After her exam, we went straight to he eyeglass place to choose frames, etc. On the way there, Paige had already enlightened me on exactly what her mind envisioned would be on her face. "They have to be hot pinkish or bright..and square. I want square frames."

The lady at the eyeglass store laid out ten different frames that matched Paige's description. She zeroed in on the most expensive Prada frames and said, "What about these?" I think she has my taste too. I said, "Let's just take these out of the beginning ten to choose from." I cringed! If I never have owned a $550 pair of glasses, I don't think my 9-year old should either, especially if she was just wearing these frames for two years or so before she outgrew them!

Paige finally decided on the cute Ray-Ban frames that were bright, hip and precious on her face. I was so glad to see her wear the new glasses with such confidence! Gone are the days where braces and glasses are "nerdy" or "uncool" replaced with "the thing to have."

On the way home Paige was like a 2-yr old in the world for the first time! "Look how clear those trees are way over there. Check out the numbers on the radio! AZD-675 is that license plate, Mom!" We had no idea she was that near-sighted, and are so relieved she's so happy with the change.

Paige wears them when she is supposed to and is meticulous about taking care of her new glasses. She can't wait to wear them to school for all her friends to see!

Thursday, August 02, 2007

Latest Doctor's Appointment

Well, I'm over 36 weeks. I had a checkup yesterday and am already 2 centimeters dilated and 50% effaced..yayyyy! My doctor promised me that he would induce me at 39 weeks if I don't go into natural labor, so we'll see :) All I know is Shane better practice driving like he's on the German Autoban because we are going to need all the time we can get if I go in labor on my own!! Hudson is healthy and strong, and everything looked great. His little heartbeat was just thumping away on the doppler thing, and that's always a sweet sound! His head is also down and ready to go though I could have told you that...that's what is making my bladder a pancake!