Sunday, August 26, 2007

Hudson Michael Karp

I'm here! Hudson Michael was born Monday, August 20, 2007 at 9:44 p.m.! He weighed 8 lbs and 8 oz. (thank goodness he was 10 days early!) and was 20 inches long.

We are so blessed! We went to the hospital at noon to be induced Monday afternoon, but because of over-crowded rooms on the delivery floor, we didn't get back to begin our induction until after 5 p.m. They started my pitocin drip to begin contractions past 6 p.m. I began pushing at 9:40 p.m., and he arrived 4 minutes later..hahaha. They gave me an epidural when I was over 8 centimeters dilated, but it never had a chance to go through my system because it takes 30 minutes to fully take effect. So basically I had natural delivery which is like being run over by a semi-truck! I guess too my doctor said I cracked my tailbone in labor, so that's been my biggest setback with recovery. Other than that, I feel great and Hudson is healthy and beautiful. Shane and I are in love with our little bundle! We mostly stare at him in awe and wonder :)

When Hudson was 3 days old, his pediatrician heard a heart murmur and sent us to Children's Hospital to see a pediatric cardiologist. They found two moderate sized holes in his heart. Obviously, he is having no symptoms or complications because of it, so we need to pray and watch them to see if they will close on their own. We go back in two weeks to the cardiologist again. The doctor said that he's seen hundreds of cases just like Hudson's where they close on their own. That is what we are focusing on and turning it over to God. Since we found this out about Hudson, so many people tell me they have a family member or know someone who had this same issue as a child or newborn and it resolved itself. Keep Hudson in your prayers :)

Paige, Chase and Julia are thrilled to have their new brother home! They are very protective and doting, and they are also huge helps to Shane and me with him. School starts this Monday and while I am glad because it will be quieter around the house, we definitely will miss them being around to help with Hudson and be home with them!

I can't believe that Hudson is already almost a week old. Time just flies! I am in heaven holding him and snuggling him. All the sleep-deprived nights and fussy periods are so worth it when he falls asleep in your arms. We are so blessed by God to be given such a wonderful gift. He's so precious and beautiful :)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

stacy~what a handsome boy! we have him in our prayers. let me know when i can come see him! love~angie

2:18 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I come to work and see my gorgeous baby boy online! We hope all is well. I told you he looked like Shane! Maybe the next one will look like you wink wink <3 ann&fam

5:15 AM  
Blogger FortasiaStar said...

he is absolutely gorgeous!!! what a wonderful gift!

8:46 PM  

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